You smash through the window with the brick. There's just enough space to crawl through it, and with great effort, you pull yourself up and through the window to find yourself outside the house! You made it!
After a brief and unsuccessful search for your candy bag, and after extinguishing your candle on a rock, you decide to leave the creepy place forever with your new keepsakes.
As you reach the sidewalk nearby, you hear a noise behind you - just the leaves - you say aloud; as you quicken your pace. Soon after, you hear the noise again. You look back, and see nothing out of place.

You start running home as quickly as possible, leaving your pursuer far behind. Then you remember your new penknife. You stop, deciding to scare the everloving crap out of whatever it is, and, hearing the noise getting closer, turn around to face whatever it may be with a loud yell, only see your pursuer is -
